Monday, August 9, 2010

Not Me Monday!!!

Welcome to Not Me Monday, a blog Carnival created by MckMama as a way for us all to share what we did or didn't do.  Please visit Mckmama and see what some other great ladies aren't doing...

Okay let's see, I most certainly did not drag my kids all the way to Colts training camp on Saturday so I could get in some much needed football time.  I would never drive an hour each way to enjoy something that only I could really enjoy.  I mean really does a 2 year old want to watch football practice, I don't think so.

I also did not drag my boys out of the house Sunday morning to take them to the zoo so Daddy could have some quiet time, I mean the like the zoo and all but it was hot and while at the zoo I didn't skip most of the exhibits and jump right over to the splash pad because it was so darn hot out.  Nope not me, I also didn't forget to put sunscreen on my youngest while as the splash area. 

I also didn't eat out 3 times this weekend because it was so hot and I didn't want to cook/clean after lunch and dinner. 

Hope you enjoyed what I didn't do this weekend, please visit Mckmama and read some more!

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Community on Blog Frog

For all of us looking to make the most of our money, and lets face it who isn't right??  Check out the new community on Blog Frog, Frugal Living!  Just click on the button below.  Also have you heard of  It is a great way to shop and get instant savings.  That is right instant savings, check it out below!

Visit the Frugal Living Community