Monday, August 9, 2010

Not Me Monday!!!

Welcome to Not Me Monday, a blog Carnival created by MckMama as a way for us all to share what we did or didn't do.  Please visit Mckmama and see what some other great ladies aren't doing...

Okay let's see, I most certainly did not drag my kids all the way to Colts training camp on Saturday so I could get in some much needed football time.  I would never drive an hour each way to enjoy something that only I could really enjoy.  I mean really does a 2 year old want to watch football practice, I don't think so.

I also did not drag my boys out of the house Sunday morning to take them to the zoo so Daddy could have some quiet time, I mean the like the zoo and all but it was hot and while at the zoo I didn't skip most of the exhibits and jump right over to the splash pad because it was so darn hot out.  Nope not me, I also didn't forget to put sunscreen on my youngest while as the splash area. 

I also didn't eat out 3 times this weekend because it was so hot and I didn't want to cook/clean after lunch and dinner. 

Hope you enjoyed what I didn't do this weekend, please visit Mckmama and read some more!

1 comment:

  1. We were the same way! I ordered in so much last week.... I mean, there's only so much you can grill!
