Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome to my Not me Monday, a blog carnival brought to you by Mckmama, you can check her out at !

So I most certainly did not claim to have an appointment outside of the office and take an early and long lunch only to hang out at the park with some friends of mine from high school and let all the kiddies play. When I am at work, I work and never play hookie!

I also did not allow such kids to play without jackets on while the winds were gusting to like 40 mph and it was only 60 outside, I would never do that I am a responsible parent and wouldn't ever let her kids play when it was that chilly!

I also did not feed little J hot dogs and pickles for dinner 3 nights in a row because not only are the easy but he loves them, I always feed my kids healthy meals and never junk food, like the popsicle R had for breakfast this morning Nope not Me!

I also did not pretend to not hear my little J yelling for me from his bed in hopes his dad would get up and I could maybe sleep in, I was also not at all disappointed when J trotted into our room after daddy got him up. I would never not want to get up and play with my kids!

Hope you enjoyed my Not Me Monday! Stay Tuned Next Week for more not me confessions!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just not feeling it today!

Do you ever have a day where you just don't feel it? What is the IT? I am having one of those days today. I don't know, I am just in a funk I guess. I don't want to work, I don't really want to be at home either... It is always very puzzling to me when I have days like this, I'm not tired or stressed or have any other ailment ailing me, I just want to do nothing. Tonight I am going to go home and try and get some stuff done around there. I am in desperate need of a house cleaning and laundry is as usual piling up! So maybe just maybe by the time I leave the office today the funk cloud will lift and I will have some not energy but urge to do something, otherwise the house will be one day more dirty, the kids will have more laundry and I can only hope for a better day tomorrow!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Not Me Monday, one of my favorite things about Mondays! It was started by a wonderful mother and and inspiring womand MckMama! Enjoy.

It was not me who in tired end of her wits mode, that just put her one year old in his bed when it was neither bed time nor nap time just to try and get the house picked up, no I would never do that, I am a responsible parent and our house never gets dirty.

It was also not me who felt like she did so much yesterday yet the house still needs to be cleaned and our sheets washed, but the clothes are clean so I am feeling accomplised!

It was also not my youngest who stayed up till 1130 on Saturday night because we were at a friends house and I wasn't ready to go yet so he simply played with their cat all night long after their children went to bed, I would never be that irresponsible and not stick to bed times!

It was also not me who cried a little when her oldest scored a touchdown at football on Saturday and realized that he isn't so little anymore. I would never let time pass so quickly! It was also not me who at said football game allowed her one year old to eat almost a full box of popcorn right before lunch. Nope Not Me!

Monday, September 14, 2009

It was most certainly not me who arranged my kids nap schedule so I could make the most of the Colts game yesterday, I would never move their schedule their naps so I could actually watch something other than Noggin!

It was also not me who gave my kids KFC for dinner last night instead of the healthy meal I had planned for, because I watch said Colts game and didn't fix dinner, I would never be that irresponsible.

It is not me who is not so patiently waiting for her husband to get back in town, not so much because I miss him terrible (which I do by the way) but because I would love to have just 20 minutes by myself. I mean I would never not want to spend time with my children.

It was also not me who allowed my son R to have doritos and nacho cheese for 2 snacks yesterday and also 2 more on Saturday, I would never be that lazy to fix them a healthy snack!