Thursday, October 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Stellan
Thanks for the prayers and Happy Birthday Stellan!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Please Pray for Stellan
Monday, October 26, 2009
Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me Monday, a blog carnival started by MckMama! This lovely little thing allows us to share what we don't do in a nonguilt kind of way. Please visit MckMama's Blog to see what she hasn't done lately!
So lets see what did I or my family not do this weekend. I certainly did not buy 2 bags of Halloween candy and then proceed to not allow my 4 year old to have several pieces of said candy. He hates candy and would never eat on piece before dinner let alone 10. Nope not my kid.
I also did not practically bathe my children in Anti-Bac while they were at their cousins birthday party and a bounce house. I am not paraniod at all and don't worry about H1N1 all the time, nope not me.
I also did not allow my 1 year old to eat a whole box of popcorn at his cousins football game on Saturday just so I could watch the game since I have never seen him play and really wanted to watch not walk around with J. I would never do that.
I also did not allow R to walk around all day yesterday in his new snowboots cause he likes them so much, we never wear shoes in our house. Nope not us.
I also did not tell my husband that if he was cold he could just bundle up cause I was leaving the windows open all day yesterday to try to air out the maple syrup smell that seems to be lingering in our house.
I also am not suffering from my horrible allergies from leaving windows open. I also will not tell my husband that I should not have left the windows open nope not me!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Not Me Monday

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Living the Dream...
Ahh to be young and innocent! I love to hear his priorities!
Monday, October 12, 2009

Welcome to not me Monday. This blog carnival was created by MckMama! You can head over to her blog to see what she and everyone else have not been doing!
Let me start with this little doosey! I certainly did not after walking into my oldest room and see chalk all over the walls, first didn't not tell him we don't write on the walls, but if you are going to please only use chalk, I also didn't add chalk board paint to my list for Lowes so that they can have a place to actually use said chalk instead of their little easel. I would never condone writing on our walls. That is absolutely out of the question.
I did not take our oldest to the grocery store and allow him to pick out 2 boxes of donuts for breakfast this week so I could be lazy and sleep and extra five minutes. I would never allow my healthy kids to have donuts for breakfast. I also did not make my family a very yummy breakfast of sausage gravy and biscuits only to not eat it and drive through McDonalds and get a yummy egg mcmuffin instead. I always eat what I make my kids eat.
I also did not allow my youngest child to have small bites of chips yesterday while I was watching football, who gives one year olds greasy potato chips just so she doesn't have to get up and make a healthy snack and possibly miss and important score in her football game. I would never do that.
I also did not put both my kids to bed early so I could watch Sunday night Football with out interruptions and so I could yell and scream at my favorite team with out worrying I would damage the growing brains of my little ones.
I'm sure I didn't do many more things this week but for now that is all I can think of! Enjoy!
Another Weekend Over!
What I do know is that right now, the boys have no room for more toys, I need to find a way to organize what they have and get rid of what they don't play with. My poor house is busting at the seams, and sadly it is my fault. I buy so much for the boys and generally they play with the same few toys over and over again. I just love to see them have fun and new toys seems to do the trick. It seems like we can't leave Target, Walmart or even the grocery store without some sort of new and exciting play thing. So my goal on the weekends is always to sort and dispose of.
Well this morning I had a wonderful idea. R is going out of town this weekend so little R and I are going to go through his toys on Sunday and do a major purge. I am going to try to explain to him about how some kids aren't as lucky as he is and then he and I are going to take all the old toys that are still in good shape to the local women's shelter so the little boys and girls can have gifts to. I am hoping this will work, he is really starting to understand this point so I am praying by next Monday we will be able to walk through his bedroom and maybe just maybe open his closet door. A mom can dream right...Stay Tuned!